Author Posts The Classic Short Story, 1870-1925: Theory of a Genre Florence Goyet discusses her global study of the classic short story, which examines the entire body of stories of five major authors: Maupassant, Chekhov, Verga, James and Akutagawa.
Author Posts Tony Curtis, “The Young Juggler” Jan M. Ziolkowski explores the connections between Hollywood star Tony Curtis and the fable of the Juggler of Notre Dame.
Author Posts From Darkness to Light: Writers in Museums 1798-1898 'From Darkness to Light, Writers in Museums 1798-1898' explores the reaction of writers and artists to museums and galleries during the gradual introduction of electric light.
English Literature A thank-you note to my publisher and readers Author R. H. Winnick reflects on his book 'Tennyson’s Poems: New Textual Parallels' one year after its publication.
Author Posts The World Dislocated Author Ellyn Toscano draws on her book, 'Women and Migration', to consider the impact of coronavirus on the plight of migrants huddled closely in detention centers or migrant camps or prisons.
Author Posts Vigilant audiences and stay-at-home justice Author Daniel Trottier reflects on the roles of vigilance and vigilantism during the coronavirus pandemic, considering emerging and established forms of scrutiny and denunciation as practices that combine entertainment and justice-seeking.
Author Posts The End of the World: ten years later Maria Manuel Lisboa reflects on her book, 'The End of the World: Apocalypse and its Aftermath in Western Culture' ten years after its publication, and considers what it has to tell us today.
Author Posts Open books from OBP: A showcase A showcase of freely accessible academic books - from anthologies to philosophical tracts to books on film and quotation - all introduced by their authors.
Author Posts Coronavirus, inequality and the ‘tipping point’ Mark O'Brien draws on the lessons from his book, 'Just Managing? What it Means for the Families of Austerity Britain' to discuss the very different experiences of the coronovirus emergency at either end of the UK’s social spectrum.
Moral Philosophy Agency: Moral Identity and Free Will by David Weissman Agency is fundamental to everything we are and do. Thinking, doing, and making—Aristotle’s triad of generic activities—imply it. Yet two reasons thwart inquiries that would make it