Open Access Week 2023 Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: The Heart of Open Access OBP author James Hutson explores collaborative academic innovation through Open Access.
Our books Joys and sorrows of the noble art of academic writing - a survival manual Read now a blog by our volunteer Maria Teresa Renzi Sepe on Dianne Conrad's latest title 'Research, Writing, and Creative Process in Open and Distance Education: Tales from the Field'
COPIM Open Book Publishers Joins the Open Book Collective Open Book Publishers (OBP) is delighted to announce that we have joined the Open Book Collective (OBC). Keep reading to find out more.
climate change Linking Climate Justice and Open Access: the case for truly public knowledge Read Now: Mihnea Tănăsescu's blog on climate justice, academic research and OA written for OA Week 2022: Open for Climate Justice.