The University of Worcester joins Open Book Publishers' Library Membership Scheme
At the University of Worcester we’re delighted to be able to support the Open Book Publishers (OBP) programme. Our values are intellectual openness, democracy and love of learning; they are symbolised by our joint public/university library The Hive and our involvement in diamond Open Access initiatives such as OBP is a natural extension of them.
We believe that if Libraries work together to collectively fund these kind of publishing programmes we can ensure that the cost of open access publishing is spread more fairly and we will increasingly be able to move away from expensive “author-pays” article processing charge and book processing charge models.
By partnering with OBP we will enrich our ebook collection, make these ebooks discoverable to public users of the Hive as well as to researchers around the world who might not otherwise have been able to access them and make their own valuable contributions to the scholarly areas they are working in.
Phil Jones
Head of Content and Discovery
Library Services
University of Worcester
We wholeheartedly appreciate the University of Worcester's support. By joining the Open Book Publishers' Library Membership Programme, libraries and their users both support and benefit from OA publishing. We would be delighted to hear from libraries considering joining the Library Membership Programme or interested in further information. Please do not hesitate to contact us at