Academic Publishing Why is open education resource creation, management and publishing important? Reflections for Open Book Publishers on Open Education Week 2020 Read this post to find out more about the take our authors and contributors have on OER creation, management and publishing.
Academic Publishing Is prestige a problem? Considering the usefulness of prestige in academic book publishing A reliance on prestige in academic publishing limits the choice of authors and the accessibility of research, and it deadens innovation. What might we replace it with?
open education Open education is key to the future of learning Photo by Nathan Dumlao [] on Unsplash [
Linguistics 'The Tiberian pronunciation tradition of Biblical Hebrew' The term ‘Biblical Hebrew’ is generally used to refer to the form of the language that appears in the printed editions of the Hebrew Bible and it is this form that it is
OBP Newsletter OBP Winter Newsletter 2020 Welcome to our first newsletter of the year! We're celebrating the beginning of 2020 with fantastic news about the start of the COPIM project [], our new [https://www.openbookpublishers.
carbon footprint 2020 Shrinking Our Carbon Footprint: Update One In December, we announced our intention to reduce our carbon footprint in 2020. This post includes more detail about our plans and an update about what we’ve achieved thus far.
Libraries COUNTER Metrics: An Unsatisfactory Measurement of a University’s Usage of Open Access Books We explain our concerns about COUNTER statistics as a measure of the usage of Open Access digital resources by members of a university library—and particularly when they are compared with similar statistics for ‘closed access’ and paywalled content.
OBP Newsletter Annual Report 2019 As we come to the end of this year, it is with great pride that we look back at the many exciting things that have happened here at OBP in 2019!
carbon footprint 2020 OBP to Shrink our Carbon Footprint in 2020 In 2020, OBP will be taking steps to shrink our carbon footprint, and we will be blogging about our experiences along the way.
Metrics What We Talk About When We Talk About… Book Usage Data An easy-to-understand explanation of how we collect our book usage data, and why we have started to present it differently.