Our books The Makings and Remakings of The Juggler of Notre Dame, A Medieval Miracle of the Virgin and Its Modernization: An Anthology Hear ye, hear ye! This is not to announce that a court is in session but that a story book is nearly ready to be opened. Reading the Juggler of Notre Dame: Medieval Miracles and Modern Remakings, by Jan M. Ziolkowski, is forthcoming.
Libraries The University of Worcester joins Open Book Publishers' Library Membership Scheme > At the University of Worcester we’re delighted to be able to support the Open Book Publishers (OBP) programme. Our values are intellectual openness, democracy and love of learning; they are symbolised by
Open Book Publishers - Spring Newsletter - May 2022 Welcome to our Spring Newsletter! We have updates from COPIM and the OABN, information about our new and forthcoming publications, calls for proposals, new blogs, latest reviews and more...
Our books A Paean to the Much-maligned Cover Song Read now a new blog by P.D. Magnus, author of 'A Philosophy of Cover Songs' where he discusses this Open Access title.
Our books Some Meanings Embedded in a Book Cover Read now John Black's blog on his latest book 'A Short History of Transport in Japan from Ancient Times to the Present'.
Open Education Week 2022 On Open Access Philip Graham, the author of 'Mary Warnock: Ethics, Education and Public Policy in Post-War Britain', discusses the importance of publishing his research in Open Access and how it impacts readership and accessibility.
Open Education Week 2022 Open-access: Our Common Weapon in the Struggle Against Cartelism Thea Potter, author of 'Horos: Ancient Boundaries and the Ecology of Stone', discusses the importance of Open Access and freedom.
Open Education Week 2022 Open Education Resources Daniel Rueda Garrido, author of 'Forms of Life and Subjectivity: Rethinking Sartre’s Philosophy', reflects on the importance and present state of Open Education.
OBP Newsletter Winter Newsletter - February 2022 Welcome to our Winter Newsletter! We have updates from COPIM and the OABN, information about our new and forthcoming publications, calls for proposals, new blogs, latest reviews and more...
Our books Replanteando la acción social por la música: la búsqueda de la convivencia y la ciudadanía en la Red de Escuelas de Música de Medellín Ya disponible: un nuevo blog escrito por Geoffrey Baker en el que presenta su nuevo libro 'Replanteando la acción social por la música: la búsqueda de la convivencia y la ciudadanía en la Red de Escuelas de Música de Medellín'.